12 Sept 2013

AnonUK Radio Interviewing EDL Memeber.

AnonUk Radio . 

We at the radio will be interviewing a female EDL memeber this sunday coming date is 15.09.13 time slot set to be arranged .

So do you have any question you would like put forward to her ?

if you do then please leave them in the comment box below and we will endevor to get through them all .  

pls keep all abusive remarks to yourself . during interview pls . 

the radio is free and open platform for topical debate, we each and everyone will have equal voice . 

11 Sept 2013

Anonymous. The Hydra with over 9000 heads.

When Anonymous gained its moral compass in the early days of 2010 it changed the laws of
protest, it brought civil disobediance as a legitimate form of dissent back to both the real world and
more importantly the online world.

Since those days of #OpPayback Anonymous has taken part in protests globally both online and off,
in Tunisia, Eygpt, Bahrain and San Francisco. Its influence has been felt worldwide with the
Occupy movement and marches against Monsanto, ACTA, SOPA and Scientology.
Anonymous has always stood for the freedoms of the people, freedoms of information and
freedoms of speech and it still does.

What gave Anonymous its strength was the idea that people had the right to stand up and control
their own destinies, to oppose rules set by governments that were not made in the best interest of we
the people, to rally around and fight those corporations and banking institutions that would attempt
to ride rough shod over the rights of people for profit. Its came with the idea that
 Anonymous spoke
with one voice as a collective, we were legion and that legion would join and help anyone we felt
needed our support.

Anonymous is the hydra with over 9000 heads, working as one to bring justice and freedom to a
world where the average citizen only thinks they have freedom, a freedom that is measured by
property and material wealth. The reality is unfortunately different because the things you own soon
begin to own you.

Anonymous has the power to change laws, to bring down governments to put an end to corrupt
corporations and banking methods. 

Anonymous has this power because we are a collective, we are
legion, because we are the last boss of the internet and we have unity. To those that doubt this power
u need only look towards Eygpt, Tunisia, towards Visa, Mastercard, towards Monsanto and HBGary
and many others.

Knowledge is power! The powers that governments yeild are presumed power, power given to them
by us the people and like all things given it can be taken away. 

Anonymous has the ability to
remove this presumed power with knowledge, by making people aware of our governments, of
corporations and banks actions we can create and give that power back to the very people that
should yeild it, the people of the cities, towns and countries of the world.

Anonymous is the voice in the shadows that shows the world that the People should not fear their
governments, but that governments should fear their people.

Anonymous UK
How the Phoenix must rise from the Ashes.
Anonymous is strong within in the UK but except for a few the majority lies dormant. #OpVendetta
showed our strength and our unity, showed the people and governments of the UK that we are
Legion, but what has happened?

To an outsider Anonymous UK looks fractured and non-functional but if we wish to change and
hope to change the world around us we must rise up like the Phoenix from the ashes. 

The UK has
faced laws and policies that have disrupted and created problems in many peoples lives, bedroom
taxes, wars, student fees, the increase of laws against peaceful protest, infiltrators to disrupt
legitimate demonstrations, the banking poilicies that are affecting our brothers and sisters in Ireland.

The privitisation of our NHS, the growing debt from the funding of banks and corporations who
have only thoughts of profit, the increased use of Bailiffs to push people onto the streets plus many
more and not forgetting the constant attempts to create crippling Internet laws.

Anonymous UK needs to rise up to face these issues, to unify as a collective and either support
actions against these policies, laws and disruptions or to actively oppose them. 

We need to help the
people of the UK to understand that the power resides within them and that only they can change
the world around them. We need to do this through civil disobediance, knowledge and support both
online and offline. We need to show the UK we are legion and not fractured or dormant.

Within Anonymous UK we see infiltration, abuse and cancer. These need to be removed if we wish
to move forward, a unified whole can not hope to exist with a rotten core. 

Those within the
collective that would attempt to seperate, cause conflict, threaten or disrupt have no place within the
legion, they should be dealt with harshly and destroyed, we need to show that Anonymous UK
means business and that we are unified.

Anonymous is watching and plans are already forming to deal with those that would attempt to
destroy us, in the past Anonymous has dealt with those attempting to remove the hydra's heads with
total destruction, just ask Aaron Barr, it will be no different now. Like when a wasp attacks a bee
hive Anonymous should as one body destroy the intruder.

Hactivism is not just about knowing your nmap or your msfconsole, your command line or your
bash command, Hactivism encompasses many forms of civil disobediance from the spiking of trees
by Earth first, the graffiti of Banksy, the ddos of CDC or the hacking of Stratfor. 

Hactivism as an
action is the ability to make one thing become another, to make a an innocent object, program or
tool become a message of dissent. 

To make a billboard an advert of knowledge, to turn a cctv
camera in on itself, to make a website a weapon against its owner or a tree a defense against a
chainsaw. A bag of sugar in a petrol tank, superglue in a lock, a video of knowledge defacing a
website or a flashmob disrupting a bank. This is hactivism, civil disobediance at its purest.

Security is the key, trust and anonymity is its power. Understanding that what u say and do can be
used as evidence against u, but only if they know who u are! Recognising that what u do and the
reasons you do it, and that u follow in the footsteps of those we now hold great, Martin Luther
King, Ghandi and Che Guavara among many, those that have known that the few outweigh the
many and that good people sometimes have to do bad things to make the world a better place.

This is a call to arms to the people of the UK and the world, to Activists and Hackers, Anarchists
and Libertines to stand up and to change the world, if only by one step at a time, we can be the
change we wish to see, we can put the power back into the hands of the people. Those that stand for
nothing will fall for anything.

As one collective Anonymous will stand beside u, watching, disrupting and gathering.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Blog by Anonymous 

10 Sept 2013

Nothing Left

I ponder definitions and how times have changed

and how we are effected to where we feel kinda strange

and like a mental epsom salt we tend to clean out our brains

with those “significant others” then we forget all thier names

we add to common problems by seeking fortune and fame

and when we’re painted in a corner we find someone to blame

and hate turns keen lust in to a belligerent game

as we Mask the truth with enigmatic names

and wonder why love partakes the action of “lame”

then the sins that follow surface as unremovable stains

and slowly grow more irritated as the morph into pain

then collective grief takes the form of bondage by chains

which awakes the green eyed monster which cant be conquered or slain

then the humane hide, as the beast starts to feign

scared our guilt will crush our bones into an edible grain

alongside that the monster will eat our heart and our brains

and so we consider this to be the dish to bring out our shame

and we’re drenched, not in tears but a mistake filled rain

and if we try to withstand it, it brings unbearable strain

although the pain comes we all try to refrain

from showing any remorse so we are physically drained

and we have nothing else left, so we have nothing to claim