In the last week it would seem almost impossible not to turn on your pc and hear something new about Fracking in the UK.
Well Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth .
Horizontal drilling (Along with traditional vertical drilling) Allows for the injection of highly pressurized FRACKING fluids into the shale area. This creates new channels within the rock from which natural gas is extracted at higher than traditional rates. But this comes at a price ! None more so worrying than the impact such methods of extraction has on the environment.
The chemicals used during the Fracturing process include but are not limited to : LEAD, BENZENE & CITRIC ACID. Please follow link for more detailed list of chemicals and the Levels.
As it details in the Link, some of these chemicals are extremely hazardous to the environment, especially the water table.
Chemicals such as ETHYLENE GLYCOL- Which is better know to you and me as ANTIFREEZE are blasted into these FRACTURES under incredible pressures ..... They then seep back into the groundwater where they are free to mingle with rivers, lakes, agricultural land, and our own drinking water systems.
There is also the risk of earthquakes being caused because of the FRACKING process .
Areas of the American Midwest, Where FRACKING is frequent , there has been a significant rise in magnitude 3 and above tremors since it started. Obviously, if the FRACKING is taking place where there is a known or suspected tectonic instability the risk of earthquake is increased .
So what's been happening about it ?
Currently a bold group of demonstrators are camped out in Balcombe, West Sussex where a planned drill is to be situated. They have made terrific progress, holding back the work sufficiently using every method they have at their hands. The employment of a vintage fire engine which has been blocking the entrance to the site was absolute genius. Protestors locked themselves into the engine and stood their ground.
The police had to bring and erect scaffolding in order to disperse the people inside.
Sadly, as can be seen in the image above, the old engine was eventually towed away, but performed brilliantly.. So well done to whomever thought that one up !
However, the protest has not been without incident. Take the next image......
What you can see here is the use of new techniques currently being used by the police to aid in protest and riot containment and control.
The officer you can see here was using a martial art technique, applying exact pressure onto known phyisical pressure points ( here using one behind the lower jaw bone) in order to incapacitate and cause pain. A harsh and definitely un-needed level to rise to .
There are several thing you can do to help prevent the UK becoming the next FRACKING playground.
Take a look at this planning map of the UK .. It out lines where many drills are proposing to be bulit and which areas already have been licensed for drilling to go ahead .
There is an esstimated 17'000 planned for the British Isles . We simply cannot allow this to go ahead .
For our own sakes and the environment !
YOU ! Have the right to object to these plans directly to your district councils .
Use the above map to know whether you are in a proposed area, or an already licensed one .
Inform you neighbours of the plans, gather petitions, protest at your local district council offices.......
and do so in plenty of time .
FRACKING destroys more than it provides. Use YOUR right to object and lets stop this travesty from over running the beautiful British country side .
Blog by WivItPawzAnon