21 Aug 2013

Anonymous R.I.P.

Rebuilding an Idea.
Part 1.
0001. Anonymous R.I.P.

Anonymous is dead!

The idea that was bulletproof is dead.
It has been for a while, you could taste its demise during the latter part of Occupy Wall Street,
attempts were made to bring it back with HBGary and Stratfor and for a moment their was a flicker
on the heart monitors, when people held their breathes hoping and hoping, but then the flat-line
would reappear and the hope would turn to despair.

Now of course this is bullshit, many of you reading this are Anons, part of some facebook group, or
forum. Tweeting away with your Anonymous nick all the bad things the media don't say. But if you
really, truly analysed what it means to be Anonymous you will realize that what you are doing is no
different from what a thousand others are doing, others who do not hide behind a nick, or mask.
Journalist, Bloggers, Aware Citizens and of course the thousands of legitimate protests groups out
there, Greenpeace, Amnesty, Anti-War, Anti-Fracking, Anti-Fascist etc. etc.

I think I need to clarify a few points before I take this further and explain how Anonymous died,
when I speak of Anonymous its not the Anonymous of 2008, the Anonymous that rose from the
quagmire of post-pubescent humour and filth that was /B/, that Anonymous is still alive and well, a
little tired but still breathing. The Anonymous I speak of came from that, like the Siamese twins that
finally get the surgery that would make them two distinct individuals, the Anonymous of 2010 got
the moral half of the soul.

The Anonymous of 2010 still upheld its twins values, its twins sense of humour, justice and
disobedience and it wielded it with great affect, the message may have been different but the
outcome was the same. Jumping to the defence of Wiki-leaks it took down the websites of many
credit card companies and Pay pal. A big fuck you to Corporations and Governments that felt they
could control information through intimidation.

Operation Payback was the flame that ignited 2 very distinct fuses, the first was notoriety it brought
Anonymous into the limelight and created a media clamour that had not been seen in a while,
companies and Governments finally saw a real threat, something they couldn't control or turn into a

The second was popularity, everyone wanted to join, all those people sick of being annoyed at how
their lives had turned out, annoyed at Governments for not listening, annoyed at the media for its
endless dumbed down reporting, sick of corruption and lies saw Anonymous as the answer.
With slogans like 'We are Legion', 'Everyone is Anonymous', the mighty bandwagon began to roll.

One of the first and biggest was 'What is-The Plan' a forum that at one point boasted over one
hundred thousands members, but only existed for less than a year. Its members eagerly going on
paperstorms, linking news about Occupy and Anonymous Operations they took no part in (and had
no idea who had), and trying to decipher the weird occult cryptography of #OpTyler. Whilst in the
background alleged corruption was going on as the Admin apparently spent the donations on

What is-The Plan was finally killed by egofaggotry, doxing and the expert trolling of /i/nsurgence
and 888chan, from its corpse sprouted Agora, which died in 2012, School of Galatorag, which
continued the occult aspects of #OpTyler, numerous Facebook groups like Anonymous (UK), a
group that would have many problems due to egofaggotry and so called leadership issues, and Anon
UK and other forums which constantly struggled against Facebook popularity.

The most important thing to come from What is-The Plan though was the cancer that would finally
kill Anonymous, what the creators of this forum did not know was that as they added their widgets
and graphics to the forumation template, what they were actually doing was building a tumour that
would grow to infect the whole host.

0002. Just Another Protest Group?

By the end of 2012 Anonymous was sprawled out on a hospital gurney being pumped full of
morphine and being kept alive by various machines that go beep.

Those valiant men and women who had fought back the cancer that was consuming Anonymous by
upholding its ideals and values of direct civil disobedience with successful hacks on stratfor,
HBGary, Sony to name a few or had ddosed their way into media headlines in support of
MegaUpload, the Arab Spring or copy-wrong protests had either been arrested or had walked away,
some even drifted back into the shadows. All that was left was the flotsam, the barnacles that had
attached themselves to this once great ship and would not let go.

The leaderless collective of a few had become a leaderless collective of thousands, floundering
about, organising protests in the name of an idea very few of them understood. Arguments erupted
and 'Anons' doxed 'Anons' for petty personal grievances.

The facebook groups kept going with their claims of 'We are Anonymous' whilst using real names,
tagging each other in photos and organising actions on the most watched social media platform in
the world.

The idea that was bulletproof had been shot down.

Predictions that Anonymous would be no more by the middle of 2013 was laughable by those who
had been their in 2010, Anonymous had become no more by the middle of 2012, after Sabu's great
deceit had become known and people realised just how easy it had been for the Feds to penetrate

our armour.

Anonymous had become another protest group, and in some respects the least accomplished. It had
began with Occupy, which in itself was like a microcosm of Anonymous. In the beginning the idea
was a good one Occupy Wall street, take the fight to the heart of the corruption, and it worked. The
occupiers embarrassed the Banks and brought awareness to those willing to listen, its success was
gauged by the response, police brutality, pepper spraying and the use of tear-gas was a level of
abuse protesters hadn't seen in America since Kent State or the Black Civil Rights movements. At
its peak the Occupy movement ripped bare what Governments meant by freedom and democracy
and showed it for a scam, that it only applied to those not seeking it.

Towards the end it became an endless tent city with no reason, a home for drunks, the dispossessed
and drug addicts. Its meaning had lost its point and in the fickle minds of our TV generation it was
to become despised, its message lost or trodden on by Media personalities who questioned its
purpose by using only the recent images to win their arguments.

One fact became clear there is no point trying to change or make aware those who do not seek
change or awareness. The people know what’s happening most just pretend it isn’t and those that
don't will never know however much you scream it in their face.

So Anonymous lies in its sick bed at the end of 2012, surrounded by machines that go beep and
being fed by 3 drip feeds, tubes running up to plastic, sterile bags hanging from metal poles. The
biggest bag is full of the fans, the people who wanna call themselves Anonymous for the fame, the
look on peoples faces when they finally tell them in a whisper, those that hang on the last shreds of
hacks and ddosings they have only ever read about.

The next bag is only half full, this is fed by those that believe in the idea but aren’t sure how to
move it forward or haven’t the skill, maybe they have to much to lose to take the big Corps or
Governments face on. They continue providing knowledge, keeping the people aware.

The final bag is the smallest and when it empties no one will appear to refill it, the drip is slow and
unpredictable, this is where the idea is strongest, where civil disobedience and the belief that taking
risks to help others is a worthwhile endeavour, even if it means arrest. This bag holds the last hope
for the idea, but unlike the other bags that drip, drip into the carcass on the gurney, this bag is
wrapped in kevlar.

0003. Repeating History.

So where did it all go wrong? We need only look into history and maybe a mirror to find the answer.

Anonymous is an idea, an idea that came from the rancid roots of 4chan. A place where individuals
could vomit their minds onto a public canvas, could exploit or embarrass others or just express their
most sordid fantasies without retribution. Where everyone was Anonymous and no laws held sway.
For a movement who would face off against Corporations, corrupt Religions or Governments there
was no better place.

On a forum with no regulation or names you could discuss what sites needed taking down and why,
you could openly state your reasons and hatreds and act upon them, and with software like TOR and
the use of VPN's it became even easier.

Idea's are best kept in the hearts and minds of individuals, history has shown this, they are strongest
whilst whispered amongst small groups of like minded individuals. As soon as they become
splashed across placards, or billboards they open themselves up to corruption and those that may
not hold it as strongly or for the wrong reasons.

Where Anonymous went wrong was creating a church, a temple to dwarf the mightiest temples ever
built, this church sprawled across the world, globally straddling the earth like a titan, its doors flung
open giving access to all. Not questioning those that entered or even caring whether those that
passed under its arches where true to the idea, or understood it.

Like a religion it forgot that it was an idea and began to believe its own bullshit, 'The last boss of
the Internet' it screamed, 'We are Legion' it chanted. The idea was struggling to be something an
idea should never be 'physical'.

When something becomes physical it becomes hard to adapt, or control, it begins to make decisions
on its own and slowly it can lose its identity. With so many personalities clamouring to be heard
with their personal grievances, their individual world views, their need to control and own it for
themselves, Anonymous developed a split personality. Fighting itself, its many voices crying to be
heard, some louder than others until eventually the idea that formed it became lost, buried so deep
down inside that new voices that added themselves to this hulk only heard of it in passing, and some
denied it even existed in the first place.

Those that had once feared the idea knew this would be a perfect time to strike, joining the flow of
new 'members' and destroying it from the inside. They did not fear what Anonymous may become,
they understood the nature of humans, they feared that those that still lived in its heart would gain
their voice.

Since Anonymous has filled the internet with groups, tweets and blogs, it has, like all great
movements, drifted into obscurity, you need only check out the Facebook groups or see the
arguments on Twitter to see this. Some still drift in thru the great Temple doors but most drift back
out again when they see that the pulpits are empty and the pews are filled with 'Anons' discussing
their daily routines or are fighting amongst themselves over who is more 'Anon'. The corners are
filled with whispering flocks of googlers who vomit up every news article in a hope that it would
entice people into action, or create endless 'Anon' Videos saying how Anonymous doesn't like this
or that and something should be done about it, videos half watched and never acted upon.

Amongst many there is a hope that Anonymous will suddenly do something life changing, that
would show the corrupt for who they truly are, will make the people stand up in mass and holding
up their middle fingers say 'no more'. But whilst its strapped to the gurney being fed with drips
amongst machines that go beep that hope is just....hope.

I am not a religious man and have never felt the need for a religion, but I know and have studied
religion, mainly in the hope to understand the human need for it, but as I read back on what I wrote
I cannot help but think of a bible story, a story I will paraphrase here. The story of Jesus and the
money lenders and the corruption of Gods word. At this point in history heaven could only be
obtained by the devout and the devout paid! The poor, the crippled, the non-Jewish had no real
chance of entering the kingdom of heaven. With a sheckle you bought a stone that showed your
allegiance to one of the 12 tribes, with this you entered the temple. The story of Jesus turning over
the tables of the moneylenders reflect this. He believed everyone was welcome as long as they held
the kingdom of heaven in their heart, and that temples and churches were not places of worship, god
would hear you whether you were in a field or on a hill.

I guess what I’m saying is that Facebook, forums and Twitter has become those temples, that people
seeking the true idea of Anonymous flock to. But like the temples of ancient Jerusalem and the
modern churches in our cities and towns they are false. And like Jesus and his Disciples the true
heart of belief is found in those secret places amongst those that hold the idea the strongest, in the
fields and hills of the internet.

Rebuilding an Idea.
Part 2.
0001. Play Again or Quit?

So I will begin with 2 questions:-

1. Is Anonymous truly strapped to a gurney, its pulse weakened by a corrupted heart?

2. Will you take the red or blue pill?

At this present point in time I would argue that the answer to the first question is yes! With the
inactivity of its thousands of 'Members' with its last bastions of free speech, the IRC's mostly honey
pots controlled by Feds in one way or another (Anonops and Voxanon being the main 2) what hope
does Anonymous have of ever reviving itself and I guess its makes me wonder if it even should
attempt to. I like a few others hold the idea still quite strongly and feel it still has possibilities, it still
has options and a place in this world, maybe now more than it did 3 years ago. But if we continue as
we are it will just die, and if we continue like we are maybe it should.

Those of you who are reading this need to look deeply inside yourself and realise that when you
donned the mask and called yourself Anonymous it was not a mere label, you were not joining a
group or political party, what you were taking on was an idea. An idea based around freedoms and
human rights, and by taking on that idea you were declaring like a knight of old that you would
defend those freedoms and rights whatever it took. The original Idea still holds firm that as part of
the idea you will only exist as the idea, there is no identity, no tagging in photos, no whispered
confessions to gain kudos. You as a person do not exist within the idea. There are no leaders
because leaders need identities and with identities every entity within the idea is at risk.

Anonymous is like Jango, each small stick of wood supports the other and each time one is removed
the others risk falling. Many of you will say this is to much, to much commitment, to much to give.
But through history many have given their lives for others and what price freedom?

No one is expected to commit, if you feel you can't you are not thought any less of, there are
countless protests groups who do good work and do not ask this level of commitment. Also you
need not involve yourself in every action taken, you do not need to be a hacker. You just need to be
committed and understand that you are each as important as the next and like those small sticks in
Jango without your commitment the others could fall.

So will you take the red or the blue pill?

0002. Pressing Restart.

So what is the answer?

On one side we have our facebook groups, our forums, our Anonymous mugs and t shirts, our dance
off’s to raise money for trials, our honey pots like Anonops, our endless Secs and Crews all trying
to out hack each other, our endless pointless videos with our 'never forgets' that we never finish

watching and promptly forget!

On the other side we have the idea, an idea that a few can change the world for the many, that
knowledge is power and that sometimes you have to fight fire with fire and hit those that wish to
control where it hurts most, in their pockets.
An idea that states in not one voice but in many that we will face corruption where ever it appears
and do our best to make sure it knows it isn't welcome. We will expose those that try to mislead us,
defend the weak against the strong and make sure everyone whatever colour, creed or religion they
are have the right to speak freely and without bias. That the internet, the one place that shows this
planet to be a global community of many voices, beliefs and opinions is kept free.

The choice is yours reader, the choice to disregard the false comforts of Facebook groups, of
Hacking crews, of Anonymous forums. To ignore cries to send donations to Anons who knew what
they were getting into and if they didn’t they should of, to not buy into mugs and t shirts. But
instead to stay Anonymous, spread knowledge so in the future donations will not be needed to pay
for trials, to use the skills you have to help others and in turn help yourself. To expose the
corruption so others can know the truths. To hold your middle finger up to those that would silence
us and say 'no more'.

Will you take the red or the blue pill?

To survive we must return to the shadows and our hills and fields, and keep the purity of the idea


Blog By Anonymous. 

19 Aug 2013

The Battle of Orgreave Revisited.

(a wee commentary)
“the biggest frame-up ever”  Michael Mansfield QC


The Battle of Orgreave is the name given to the violent showdown between police and striking miners at the Orgreave coking plant in the summer of 1984. 

Nearly three decades later,     many miners of the time are still steadfast in the belief that the police operation at Orgreave was a premeditated trap and ambush especially designed for the courts. 

Currently, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating allegations that the conflict was engineered by the police in addition to claims of assault, 'perjury, perverting the course of justice and misconduct in a public office'.  

Neither the Tory government of the time, nor the police have conceded any liability since that pivotal day on June 18th.  
Aired  footage showed police assaulting miners with batons and charging horses was cashed out in terms of self defence amid allegations that the miners initiated the aggression. 

Years later, the BBC admitted that televised footage was selectively edited to give the appearance that the miners were the instigators of the violence.  

Did 'Auntie Beeb' act in concert with the police or was she following orders from a higher command?  Perhaps the answer is both: the two need not be mutually exclusive.

In spite of the withdrawal of the prosecution of  just over 90 miners and compensation payments of over £400,00 to miners who subsequently sued, no officially reviewed version of events has ever been given.

However, in the wake of a recent BBC documentary and a newspaper expose last year, parallels between Orgreave and the Hillsborough disaster surfaced: both cases had been policed by the same police force under the same chief constable.  

Long standing issues of  police cover ups, spying, corruption and malpractice resonant of Hillsborough put Orgreave back under the spotlight and gave impetus to renewed calls for accountability.

Interestingly, it is the present South Yorkshire police who have
referred themselves to the IPCC for investigation.  Moreover, 
politicians, miners and unionists have also called for a review into
events leading up to the 18th June.  

Both the National Union of Miners and Michael Mansfied Q.C have also urged the Director of Public of Public Prosecutors to work alongside the IPCC as was the case for Hillsborough.

Mansfield currently represents the Hillsborough Family Support Group and has represented 3 Orgreave miners accused of riot.

Defending the miners in court, he successfully challenged the claim made by police that the miners had launched a sustained and unprovoked  attack on police lines.  

In court, Mansfield counter attacked by referring to film footage of the day taken by the police themselves.  

The film showed miners at ease with many seated on the ground, thus undermining the story offered by the police.

Further concerns regarding police evidence emerged when it was  revealed that many police officers' statements were almost identical and key phrases were frequently used to construct an overview which was unfavourable to the miners.  

Some officers have said they did have statements dictated to them by detectives and that police often sat together whilst writing notes.  

The chief constable of the time justified such activities by claiming that evidence needed to be 'collated'.   The ways in which police evidence was both acquired and presented must be addressed, with regards to legitimacy and authenticity.

Moreover,  policing methods and the decisions by policy makers involved should also be thoroughly looked at.  The claim that the events of 18th were a co-ordinated trap has been given credence by the recent admission from South Yorkshire police that roughly 4,500 police officers from forces across the UK were drafted in to police Orgreave which was attended by approximately 8,000 miners.   

Not only would the deployment of such large numbers of police officers require time and planning, it also begs the question that the magnitude of manpower would have been better spent elsewhere.

 Additionally, many miners express how surprised they were to actually be permitted at Orgreave let alone be led to a nearby field flanked at 3 sides by police officers.  It was common coin during
the year long miners' strike for police officers to turn striking
miners away from demonstrations.  

Events that day at Orgreave, some might argue, bear the hallmarks of a military holding pattern.  Some miners have further complained that some of  those dressed as police were in actual fact soldiers.  Others have went so far as to cite MI5 involvement in relation to intelligence gathering.

A full public inquiry has yet to be made.  For the miners, this is long overdue after a hiatus of nigh on thirty years.

The ramifications of Orgreave affect us all.  We should factor in the extreme lengths the state will go to quell what was primarily industrial action against pit closures and privatisation of the mines. 

This issue is not confined to the history of public utilities but is applicable to other situations across the country.  

It would be no surprise to learn in the future that  instances evocative of Hillsborough and Orgreave prevail as the police and courts pursue anti fracking protestors.   

Lessons from revisiting Orgreave will prove to be a well worn cliché.  Attempts to criminalise the people when they exercise their basic right to protest are systematic.  
Brute force, misrepresentation by the media, evidence falsification and evidence tampering are standard weapons in the war against protest.

Failure to let one frame-up slip through our fingers is one frame-up too many.  By demanding truth about the Battle of Orgreave we challenge not only the institutionalised stonewalling of thirty years as well as our own political subjugation and that of the miners.







Blog post by : Angie McNab aka  https://twitter.com/angelamcguinne2